Masks must be worn at all times, throughout the hotel AND in the Conference Room

All attendees must be fully vaccinated

Attendees will need to show proof of vaccination via the barcode from their TraceTogether App (or international equivalent) and this will be checked by the Safe Entry Business app prior to Registration.

A distance of at least 1 metre between participants must be maintained at all times even at meals


Meals must only be provided in individual servings
Meals only be consumed when participants are and remain seated.
There must be no cheering or other verbal exhortations accompanied by toasting or other rituals
Individuals must remain in the same table where a meal is consumed throughout the meal duration

Each table of participants must not intermingle with any individual of another table while the meal is being served/consumed and

Where there are live speeches, talks, presentations and/or panel discussions taking place, attendees must remain in their seats during this period